The Ontario Poetry Society
~ Stanza Break Series Chapbooks # 1 to 20 ~

About TOPS










Ted Plantos Dedication






Stanza Break Series
All Stanza Break Series Chapbooks are published for TOPS members by Beret Days Press, A division of the Ontario Poetry Society. Click here to find out how you can have a chapbook of your poetry published by TOPS.
From The Reserves
Peggy Fletcher

" "

Stanza Break Series # 20 - ISBN: 978-0-9783371-9-3

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

payable to:
Peggy Fletcher,
130 Martin St., Sarnia, Ont. N7T 3N6

Rhyme & Reason Unite
J. Graham Ducker, J.C. Hershberg, Lou Ponstingl

"Three of T.O.P.S.' most distinguished members have come together to
eloquently exhibit their well-crafted and delightful rhyming poems." - I.B. Iskov

Stanza Break Series # 19 - ISBN: 978-0-9783371-8-6

To order a copy from any of these authors, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

payable to:
J. Graham Ducker, #204 - 95 Taunton Rd. East, Oshawa, Ont. L1G 3T6
J.C. Hershberg, #807 - 15 London Green Ct., Toronto, Ont. M3N 1K4
Lou Ponstingl, 1556-R.R. #1, Box 112, Cherry Valley, Ont. K0K 1P0

Days of Draper Township School S.S. #1
Norma West Linder

" These poems spin a delightful autobiographical account drawn out of a pristine past; each of these moving poems filled with something lost, yet still ruminating wistfully like warming embers left to linger in the author's present." - Sophie Soil

Stanza Break Series # 18 - ISBN: 978-0-9783371-7-9

To order a copy, send $10 ($ + $2 p&h)

payable to:
Norma West Linder,
1223 Willa Drive, Sarnia, Ont., N7S 1T8

Workshop Sketches
Joanna Gale

"Joanna's poetry reflects new and often clever perspectives on fresh material.
Joanna has investigated new forms and structures for her work
and has successfully married her content." - April Bulmer

Stanza Break Series # 17 - ISBN: 978-0-9783371-4-8

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

payable to:
Gail Dickie,
15 Bralorne Cres., Toronto, Ont. M6S 4R1

Remembering Albert
Heidy Schumacher

"Heidy shares many poignant moments with the reader.
These poems, while avoiding sentimentality, are rich with sentiment."
Norma West Linder

Stanza Break Series # 16 - ISBN: 978-0-9783371-3-1

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

payable to:
Heidy Schumacher
3244 Virginia Park, Windsor, Ont. N9E 2C3

Executive Sweet
Poetry by TOPS Executives:
Michael Persaud - Debbie Okun Hill
Kate Marshall Flaherty - Bunny Iskov

Chris Sorrenti - Mark Clement

Enjoy all the sweet things: friends, family, sugar, spring, candies
and soil in this delightful, provocative and down to earth mini anthology.

Stanza Break Series # 15 - ISBN: 978-0-9783371-2-4

To order a copy send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
The Ontario Poetry Society
# 710 - 65 Spring Garden, Toronto, ON M2N 6H9

Turning Points
Ruth Bernard

"In the strongest poetic voice....A powerful chapbook with
a far reaching message about humankind." - Peggy Fletcher

Stanza Break Series # 14 - ISBN: 978-0-9781416-8-4

To order a copy send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Ruth Bernard,
#501 - 70 Montclair Ave., Toronto, Ont. M5P 1P7

earth stories
Peter Tasker

"The wind, the water, the words and creatures weave their magic throughout
Peter's poetry to illuminate the myth and wonder of our world." - Mark Clement

Stanza break Series # 13 - ISBN: 978-0-9781416-5-3

To order a copy send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Peter Tasker
86 Isthmus Bay Rd., Lion's Head, Ont. N0H 1W0

Songs of Love and Misgivings
Dina Ripsman Eylon

"Dina takes the reader on a disappointing journey of looking for love and finding cruelty on "unworldly roads". Some lines have a genuine musical feeling and many of these poems have a kind of radiance, despite their sadness."
- Ellen S. Jaffe, Poet, Author & Teacher

Stanza Break Series # 12 - ISBN: 978-0-9781416-1-5

To order a copy send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Dina Eylon
246-1054 Centre St. Thornhill, ON. L4J 8E5

Anatomically Correct
Sara Luterman

"These poems about life and relationships capture a young girl's struggle to survive
in a confusing world. Sara is a fresh new voice which looks at issues in new ways."  - Aha Blume, Hamilton poet and member

Stanza Break Series # 11 - ISBN: 978-0-9781416-0-8

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Sara Luterman
35 Hemlock Hill Rd. Orchard Park, N.Y. 14127 U.S.A.

The Soft Furnace
Chad Norman

Chad's intimate poems on sex and sexuality will leave you breathless.
This "Adults Only Please" collection should be kept on your night stand,
and studied closely before turning out the lights.

Stanza Break Series # 10 - ISBN: 0-9739100-8-9

To order a copy send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Chad Norman,
#12 - 37 Braemar Court, Truro, NS. B2N 1V2

Magical Manitoulin
Norma West Linder

You will find enchantment on an island of pleasure in these bewitching poems about Manitoulin Island, both past and present. Norma takes us back to the 1930's and to her childhood, with timeless poems about her life in Mindemoya.

Stanza Break Series # 9 - ISBN: 0-9739100-7-0

To order a copy send $10. ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Norma West Linder,
1223 Willa Drive, Sarnia, ON. N7S 1T8

Rebels With A Cause
Poetry by:
Katerina Fretwell
I.B. Iskov
Shirley A. McCormick
Tracy Lynn Repchuck

Four dynamic women have come together to offer their poems on the rebellious,
the courageous, the fearless, the heartless and the outrageous.

Stanza Break Series # 8 - �ISBN: 0-9739100-3-8

To order a copy send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Katerina Fretwell
R.R. # 2, Parry Sound, Ont. P2A 2W8

Jasmine Star Light
Anna Yin

You will treasure the poems of The Ontario Poetry Society's Ted Plantos Memorial Award Winner for 2005. Anna Yin's poems are both delicate and dramatic. They will take you on an exotic journey in your mind and
gently return you to your own backyard.

Stanza Break Series # 7 - ISBN: 0-9739100-2-X, 20 pp

�To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Anna Yin,
3820 Lacman Trail, Mississauga, ON. L5M 6A8

Frances Roberts

"The Green Man's vehicle of expression -- through metaphor and simile -- is the munificence of earth's verdure... a three-part excursion into romanitic eroticism in one voluminous offering. - David Chirko, Reviewer

Stanza Break Series # 6 - ISBN: 0-9739100-0-3

to order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Frances Roberts,
#2 - 190 Wright Ave., Toronto, ON. M6R 1L2

S.C. James

Stephen James' poems will place you in his secret garden,
where flowers rule and shadows betray the heart of the future.
This collection will steal your heart and your mind.

Stanza Break Series # 5 - ISBN: 0-9739100-1-1

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
S.C. James,
Elliott House,
200 Old Harwood Ave., Paris, ON. N0L 1G2

From The Outside In
Karen Calaiezzi

Karen's poems will touch your heart as you relate to each one. The author has penned a collection of verses which deal with tragedy, depression, physical and emotional pain and discovery and recovery. Karen's ordeals in recovering from cancer, surviving a near-fatal car crash and losing two close immediate members of her family are dealt with inside this poignant and relevant collection.

Stanza Break Series # 4 - ISBN 0-9687157-9-6

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + @ p&h)

Payable to:
Karen Calaiezzi,
#17 - 572 Thistlewood Drive, London, ON. N5X 4N6

Isabel W. Sturgeon

"Sturgeon's web of verse is subtly composed of tiny veins of metaphor.
There is great power in her simple imagery woven together to form
a strong web." - B. O'Donnell.

Stanza Break Series # 3 - ISBN: 0-9687157-8-8

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Isabel W. Sturgeon,
622 Louis Street, Box 126, Port Elgin, ON. N0H 2C0

In Search of My Grandmother's Dreams
Peggy Fletcher

Peggy has crafted poems which trace her grandmother's life from
young adulthood to her final days. This collection offers the reader
a taste of life in Canada in the early 1900's.

Stanza Break Series # 2 - ISBN: 0-9687157-6-1

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Peggy Fletcher,
130 Martin Street, Sarnia, ON. N7T 3N6

Dunlaith O'Heron

"Dunlaith (Donna) has pieced together her word art of
comforting poems..... constructed from the fabric of her life."
I.B. Iskov, Founder, The Ontario Poetry Society.

Stanza Break Series # 1 - ISBN: 0-9687157-5-3

To order a copy, send $10 ($8 + $2 p&h)

Payable to:
Donna Hreceniuk,
9924 Kenwood Cres. Windsor, ON. N8R 1H2

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