ISSN: 1715-0280

About TOPS








Members' Poetry


Ted Plantos Dedication






Verse Afire Canadian Poetry Magazine
A Biannual Publication

Poems for the June 2025 issue of Verse Afire

Theme: Blooming Beauties

Poems about flowers and gardens, physically and metaphorically, wanted for the next issue of Verse Afire. It could be a favourite type, its life cycle, symbolism, nostalgic impression, scintillating fragrance, interaction with insects, uses in art & architecture, its metaphor for new life (budding), prime of life (full bloom), fragility of life (fallen petals), et al. No lewdness, foul or culturally discriminating language, or heavy slant on religion. Previously published poems are welcome if you include publication credits.

Poems to be no longer than 40 lines and stanza spaces count as lines. No more than 6 long or 8 short words per line, to allow room for another poem to fit beside yours in the page's second column. If lines are too long, the Editor will break them with careful consideration to content. If this results in a poem that violates the length guideline you'll be asked to replace it with a shorter poem in a timely manner. All styles are welcome.

Deadline for the June 2025 issue is March 31, 2025.

E-mail in an MSWORD file to ibunny@rogers.com and put Poem for Verse Afire in the subject bar.

If no access to the internet, send your hard copy poem on/or before March 15, 2025

Attn: IB. Iskov, Verse Afire Editor
The Ontario Poetry Society
#710 - 65 Spring Garden Ave.
Toronto, ON
M2N 6H9


As a new magazine we welcome and are actively seeking official reviews from other literary sources / publications and are happy to mail you a hard copy or email a pdf of the requested issue. If we haven't already contacted you and you would like to assist us, please be sure to contact Bunny Iskov, Publisher (ibunny@roger.com) or Ronda Wicks, Editor (rondawicks@hotmail.com) with the pertinent information we need to follow-up. Thank you sincerely!


All rates are in Canadian funds and available inside Canada only

Non-members annual: $40 includes 2 issues (January and June) + automatic membership
Non-members' single copy: $20, doesn't include membership
Members' extra copies (must pre-order before the issue's submission deadline): $15 each

School, library and subscriptions for Non-Profit organizations: $30/yr or $15 for a single issue.

Due to the continuous rise in postage and printing costs due to inflation, Verse Afire subscriptions will not be offered for automatic renewal.


All rates are in Canadian funds.

Open to members and non-members in literary related fields (the ad must promote 1) literary service - i.e. editing, ms layout, book cover photography or artwork, publishing service 2) event - i.e. reading, launch, workshop, or 3) a submission call

Interior is black & white print only.
In all cases placement locations can be requested but are not guaranteed.

Business Card 2.5 x 3" size
1 issue: $40, 2 issues: $70 (1 yr), Four issues: $120 (2 yrs)
Business Card Double size - 5 x 3" anywhere or 2.5 x 6" page bottom)
1 issue: $70, 2 issues: $130, Four issues: $240 (2 years)
Half Page - 10.5 x 3" anywhere or 4 x 8" size page bottom - 1 issue: $200, 2 issues: $380, 4 issues: $700
Full Page - 8" 10.5" size
1 issue: $550, 2 issues: $1000, 4 issues: $1800

Back Cover - 8.5 x 11" edge to edge COLOUR
1 issue: $800, 2 issues: $1500, 4 issues: $2500

Members and Non Profits (by providing their registration #) will receive a 25% discount except for the business card size which, because of its already low price, will remain the same.