The Ontario Poetry Society
~ Perfect Bound Book - Technical Details ~

About TOPS










Ted Plantos Dedication






Perfect Bound Book - Technical Details

Finished Dimensions
5.5' x 8.5" or 6" x 9" for perfect bound, 5.5' x 8.5" for chapbook
Front Cover
Glossy full colour - can be an inset picture or a full bleed ( image goes right to all edges )
Back Cover
If the artwork or cover photo is intended as a full bleed, it can extend to the back cover. If the art or photo is just on the front cover, the back cover colour will be selected to compliment the art/photo. If the Art/photo is intended as an inset, the surrounding colour on the front cover and the back cover colour will be selected to compliment the art/photo.
Inside Paper
#50 offset white
Internal Images
Black and white
Bio photo
Colour if on back cover ( b/w if inside )
Author can supply photos and they will be scanned - electronic images can be jpegs, tifs or bitmaps but should be at a resolution of 300 pixels/inch (dpi) - if the images are too large to ship by email, they can be submitted on a CD - If images are intended for inside the book they will be converted to b/w.
Original Art
Can be submitted for scanning - if the author provides scans of the artwork they should be scanned at 300 dpi. - If artwork is in colour and intended for the inside of the book, it will be converted to b/w.
Bio Text
Author should submit a bio ( 8/10 lines )
The author may submit short (3/4 lines) comments about the book by anyone they choose - up to 3 blurbs from 3 people. These will go on the back cover… ( bio/bio pic may also be on back cover )
Chapbooks can include up to 32 pages of poetry/credits. Each page can be up to 36 lines with up to 40 characters/spaces per line. Title and blank lines between stanzas count as lines.
Publication credits
The author may include previous publication credits at the bottom of the page on which the poem appears (credit counts as lines for that page) or may include a publication credit page at the back of the book (this will reduce the number of poems the author can include)
Poems Submittal
Preferred method of submittal of final poetry is as a single MSWord (.doc, not docx.) file attachment using 11pt Arial font, 1 poem / page. If the author cannot do this then poems can be sent in the body of an email.
If the author does not have access to a computer and cannot submit the poems as described above, there will be a charge of $1.00 per poem/page.
Order of poems
The author will provide the order in which the poems are to appear in the book… changes will be suggested to accommodate longer poems on facing pages.
It is recommended that the author engage an editor ( friend or fellow poet ) to review the finished manuscript and recommend changes before it is submitted - particular attention should be paid to spelling and punctuation.
The author will receive ONE copy (by email or snail mail) of the manuscript layout so they can proof it and correct any errors before printing.
TOPS will provide an ISBN number for the book.
Subsequent print orders
$6 per chapbooks (minimum of 20 books) or $10.00 perfect bound per book (minumum of 50 books).
A CD with print ready files of the completed manuscript can be provided for $10.0