The Ontario Poetry Society
~ The $500 Ellen S. Jaffe Humanist Award for Poetry ~

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The Ontario Poetry Society Presents a Chapbook Contest Honouring

The $500 Ellen S. Jaffe Humanist Award for Poetry

Contest held every second year

Open to Everyone in Canada and the U.S.A.

First Prize: $500 & 50 Chapbooks & a Certificate
Plus 5 Honourable Mention Awards receive a Certificate
Signed copies of Ellen's Book, Skinny-Dipping with the Muse, Guernica Editions
will be awarded to the top 6 winners.
Money prize paid in Canadian Dollars.

Rules & Guidelines
Accepting 12 poems and no less and no more
on one of the following humanist themes of family, community, traditions
and customs, social issues, peace and the effects of war,
climate change, ecological issues or the healing power of poetry.
No lewdness, no foul language & no heavy slant on religion.
Free verse poems preferred.
Each poem to be a maximum length of 60 lines
and the stanza spaces count as lines.
Line width should be up to 55 characters and word spaces.
Poems must be unpublished and not sent elsewhere.
Poems to be printed on one side of 81/2 x 11 plain white paper.
Arial 11 Font size.
Do not attach any pictures or artwork or biographical information.
Blind Judging: No author ID to be anywhere on the poem pages.
Include a cover page with Author name, mailing address, telephone #
& e-mail as well as the poem titles.

Entry fee: $20 for the first submission
and $10 for each additional submission
There is no limit to the number of submissions per entrant.
Manuscripts are not returned unless a larger envelope
is enclosed with sufficient postage.

Entries to be postmarked on or before March 15, 2024.
Include a #10 s.a.s.e. for the winners list and $2 in coupons
to spend on another contest sponsored by The Ontario Poetry Society.
Contest entries to be submitted through Canada Post.
No electronic submissions accepted.

Send entries to:
The Ontario Poetry Society
#710 - 65 Spring Garden Ave.
Toronto, Ont. M2N 6H9
Contest Judge is Elana Wolff