These Hands (anti-war poem)
These hands have touched the dead
Mothers, fathers
Little ones I can't bear
To speak of - but carry
Life should not be like this
Not end like this
Cries echo
Can you hear them
Hear their disbelief
(Featured at the International Festival for Peace, Unamos al Mundo, Mexico, 2023)
In Mourning, for Shannon
Light bends under weight
leaves the faithful faithless
as shadows descend like ravens
to peck on brittle bones
Mercy sought mercy found
through Hail Mary prayers
chanted on beaded chain
dangling from open palm
Lost is not forever gone
consoles believer
while beloved soul waits
to rise beneath the ground
(The Alchemy of Tears anthology, Beret Days Press, 2023)
I Miss Her
I feel the loss even though her memory is strong;
the way she'd say “up” when she wanted to cuddle,
the way she'd run through our house, her arms
straight back like Superwoman in flight.
I wish I could shake a can, pop the lid,
press the nozzle, and have a stream of glitter
wrap itself around her waist so I could
pull her back to me.
I miss her.
Now that I've shared these words,
what do I do to ease the pain they bring?
(The Alchemy of Tears anthology, Beret Days Press, 2023)
It is difficult
to want
but not have
Then she appears
left by her mother
in my garden sanctuary
And a familiar ache rises
to nurture
what is not mine
How blessed and unblessed, am I
to hover
like a parent in a doorway
(Poetry Pause, League of Canadian Poets, 2023)
Sweet Angel
You appear
after everyone is gone
Settle beside me
on stark sheets
Cold nose nudging
frozen hand
And in an instant
spirit adrift
anchors in sunny harbour
Nothing compares to this -
Here we are free to do
as we please,
all weeping is done
(Verse Afire, June 2023 Issue)
When It Happens
i no longer fight it
i let it do what it needs to
the cleverness i possessed is gone
replaced by a what will be, will be
she said it would be like this -
all heartache would come at once
then leave me in a sedated state,
where tears are merely droplets
that flow
healing has begun,
acceptance too
yes, acceptance - an admission
that changes everything
but nothing
my solo, a dance
twirling towards tomorrow
(Valiant Scribe Literary Journal, USA, January 2022)
I call it to me
like a lake pleads
for waves to drench
its desert shores
and it comes
not in pale drifts
but pearls of rain
draping me
with wet light
until I am smiling
(The Alchemy of Tears anthology, Beret Days Press, 2023)
You & Me
Caught in a circle of hellos,
we avoid each others eyes,
side hug and pretend we were
never more than we are now.
And yet, in that brief moment
when you drew me in,
I heard your breath hitch
the way it used to before we kissed.
(TOPS, Ultra Short Poetry Contest - Judge's Choice Award, 2023)
layers of regret
blues on canvas
(TOPS - Postage Stamp Contest - Honourable Mention 2023)
There Are Things We Don't Talk About
1. the gun he hid under the dresser in the bedroom he shared with Mom
2. how he raised it to his temple while standing in the bathtub
3. how we clung to each other on an orange tweed couch
listening for the shot that didn't come
4. how she told us to tell him we were happy he wasn't dead
5. how we waited for the next time
(Anti Heroin Chic Literary Journal, USA, May 2021)