About TOPS
Ted Plantos Dedication

I.B. (Bunny)
Iskov is the Founder of The Ontario Poetry Society.
Her work has been published in many fine literary journals and
anthologies. She has three full collections and several chapbooks.
She is available for readings and workshops upon request.
Bunny is married to Larry and they have two children,
one son-in-law and two grandchildren.
- The Ontario Poetry Society (Founder,Treasurer & Life Member)
- Skirting the Edge, In Our Words Inc., 2015 - ISBN:
- In A Wintered Nest, Serengeti Press, 2013 - ISBN: 978-0-98710318-9-7,
36 pgs.
- Sapphire Seasons, Aeolus House, 72 poems, 2009 - ISBN 978-0-98112724-8
- Rebels
With a Cause chapbook Beret Days Press Stanza
Break Series # 8
- Cats & Dogs chapbook co-authored with
Lenny Everson, Passion Among the Cacti Press
- like sparkle chapbook self-published in a
limited collection of 30 copies
- Moon-Flares A Cosmic Collection (poems by I.B. Iskov &
Katherine L. Gordon) chapbook
Katherine L.Gordon - editor
- litany of breathing - chapbook - pooka press
- After the Rain - full collection Snowapple Press
- anxiety attack - chapbook Broken Jaw Press
- relatively speaking - chapbook - (poems by J. C. Hershberg
& I.B. Iskov), self-published
- Space Alchemy A Trilogy chapbook, Passion Among
the Cacti Press
(poems by Katherine L. Gordon, Joan McGuire & I.B. Iskov),
- Sex Sells - chapbook
- Passion Among the Cacti Press
- Executive
Sweet Poets I.B. Iskov, Michael Persaud, Kate Marshall
Flaherty, Debbie Okun Hill,
Mark Clement and Chris Sorrenti Beret Days Press Stanza
Break Series # 15
- Primitive
SB. Series # 28 - chapbook - Beret Days Press
- See
Bunny's Blog Post about her books
A Wintered Nest
imaginative turns of phrase enliven Iskov's insightful accounts
of emotional states that are often gloomy, anxious or sorrowful.
This remarkable gift with expressive language works to transform
all such poems, as well as more whimsical and satiracal ones, into
bravely affirmative and consoling testimony.
Coming of Age Review by Elana Wolff -I.B. Iskov , HMS Press,
2018, 48 pp ISBN: 978-1-55253-095-5
The forty-four poems in My Coming of Age-a chapbook with the inside-cover
subtitle The Best of an Ongoing Collection of a Life Expressed in
Poetry-represent I. B. (Bunny) Iskov's selection of previously published
poems, most of which have received contest citations. The title
poem, My Coming of Age-a riff on the fan-fiction mold, told as homage
to The Beatles-aptly captures the poet's characteristic wry sense
of humour and unshielded personableness in the face of life's swerves,
curves, and world concerns. "The Beatles belonged to me / in
my coming of age. It was a freer time / even though the Viet Nam
war was raging, / even though there was unrest in the Middle East,
/ even though my parents were constantly fighting, / I had my Beatles
record / to keep me safe and happy / when they sang All You Need
Is Love ..." Bunny Iskov displays a discerning eye for the
everyday, as captured in titles like Chronic Cough, Wringer Washer
Warranty, and Ode to My Computer; genuine interest in the 'everyman'
in poems like Trucker on the 401, Lucy and Desi, and Pamela for
Mayor; and strong identification with her Jewish self in What Is
a Jew, The Jewish Side of the Poem, and Be on Guard. An Iskov poem
speaks with personal conviction and plainspoken pluck: "I am
in charge," says the narrator in Bedtime Chimera; "My
depression is a page in your book," she declares in As One
Cradles Pain; "I remember the last time / I worked the street
in high heels," she says tongue-in-cheek in the savvy-shopper
piece, cleverly titled Cheap Love. There's a strong thread of sadness
underlying the humour and juxtaposed the easiness in many of these
pieces. Humour is often a cover and a face for deep and complicated
emotions, and it's clear that I.B. Iskov has the latter. She reveals
her own Complicated Suffering and Personal Complexities; remembers
and pays tribute to those who have gone to the other side: the beloved
people's poet, Ted Plantos, in the surging opening poem What Plantos
Meant to Poets Trapped Within Socio-Economic Boundaries; her girlfriends
"Marilyn, Rhondi and Lolly" (lost to cancer) in Making
Macaroni and Cheese; her mother in Memory and Loss; and the dead
at large in When the Dead Do not Depart. In possibly the most touching
and illuminating piece in the chapbook, Glass House, the poet writes:
"I open my cabinet doors, / rearrange familiar figurines ...
"I care for moments, dust them off, display them / on little
easels. / I'm composed." This could be the artist's statement.
She makes what she will of her life-delicately, deliberately and
artfully, piece by piece. Wallace Stevens wrote that "the poet
is the priest of the invisible." I submit that Bunny Iskov
is the priestess of the visible. My Coming of Age is a collection
that will let you know who I. B. Iskov is and what she stands for.
To order your copy, send $12 ($10 + $2 p&h) to I.B. Iskov, #710
- 65 Spring Garden Ave., Toronto, Ont. M2N 6H9

I.B. Iskov, 1 of 5 poets in this anthology
- One poem in The Banister, Niagara Poetry Anthology,
Volume 30, 2015
- To
Rhyme or Not To Rhyme won an Honourable Mention Award in the
Rhyme or Not To Rhyme, ...That
Is Your Choice Poetry
Contest, 2011
- Rise Up Singing, An Anthology of Womens Poetry &
Prose London Abused Womens Centre
- Henrys Creature, Poems and Stories of the Automobile
Black Moss Press
- A Time of Trial, Beyond the Terror of 9/11
Hidden Brook Press
- Earle Birney, A Tribute Prism International
- Witness, anthology of poetry, Serengeti Press
- Elan, a Regina Weese Collection, Wingate Press
- Several anthologies published by The
Ontario Poetry Society & The Canadian Poetry Assn.
- Anthology One Ascent Aspirations edited by
David Fraser
- FROM THE WEB - A Global Anthology Of Womens Political
Poetry, Radical Poetry Collective
- SPIRIT of HUMANITY Artists For A Better World International
- Arborealis - anthology of poetry, Beret Days Press, 2 poems,
- Voices Israel - Anthology 2008 - 2 poems
- Anthology Five - Ascent Aspirations, Spring, 2008
two poems
- This Little Light of Mine, McMaster University, 2008
one poem
- Anthology Five, Spring 2008 Ascent Aspirations - 2 Poems
- Voices Israel 2009 Anthology - 1 Poem
- Earth to Moon, a Vaughan Poets' Circle Collection 2009
- 1 poem
- Poet to Poet, Guernica Editions, 2012 Edited by Elana Wolff
and Julie Roorda.
- Window Fishing: the Night we Caught Beatlemania, Selected
and Edited by John B. Lee,
.. Hidden Brook Press, 2014
- big art book, Issue 3, 2014, Scarborough Arts Council
- Poetic Imagination, CANCYP Publications, Coordinated by Paulos
Ioannou, 2017
- A Poets
Siddur Shabbat Evening, Liturgy Through the Eyes of Poets, Aint
Got No Press,
..Edited by Rick Lupert, 2017
- Hellenic Encounters, CANCYP Publications, 2018 with 12 poems in
both English and Greek.
- TAMARACKS Canadian Poetry For The 21st Century, Lummox Press,
..James Deahl, Editor
- The Banister Niagara Poetry Anthology Volume 33, Canadian Authors
Association, 2018
In the three sections of the book, gravity and grief are equally
heavy. I was shocked by the rare openness and incredible power that
Bunny has woven into her poems. She asks for answers, hunts for
hope, prays for peace. Bunny paints "Raw Beauty" and deep
humanity with a mixture of colours on her canvas so that "the
face of society removes its mask." When she quotes Pablo Picasso's
"Work is love made visible"
- poetry to her is the work. In "Looping for Art's Sake,"
she finds hope through keen eyes and a beautiful mind. I want to
be in the loop too.
- Anna Yin/ Inaugural Poet Laureate of MIssissauga
To what form
of art might the spirit aspire? What truth might the self reveal
to the self were we to partake in the journey inward to where deep
truth dwells? Bunny Iskov writes poems that skirt the edges and
plunge the swirling eddies of sorrow and joy bringing with her the
light of language and the music of poetry that illuminate as she
moves from the luminous moon goddess of her opening poem through
the deep sorrows of profound human experience and on to the whimsy
and joy of bringing a brand new poem into the world as she describes
herself in that ecstatic state of creation
in her
penultimate poem:
fire and inspiration,
nightfall and morning
John B. Lee, Poet Laureate of Brantford;
Laureate of Norfolk County
Journals & Magazines:
Poem IN THE NEW YEAR is Poetry Pick of the Month for Jan.
2012 on the Tower Poetry Society
- on spec: the Canadian magazine of the fantastic, Winter
2007-08 issue
- Why is Poetry So Important, Online article in Chapter
and Verse
- Humanist Perspectives, Winter 2010 - 11 Isuue # 175
- GHOSTLIGHT vol. 2, issue 1, 2010
- Tower Poetry, Winter Edition, 2009, Vol. 58 No. 2
- surface
& symbol, 52% - Carleton University Womyns Centre,
- Open Minds Quarterly, Reality & Meaning Journal,
Diviners, Undertow, Midwest Poetry Review,
Tupperware Sandpiper, Labour of Love, Transition,
Regina Weese e-zine, Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine,
Hammered Out, DANI, North American Maple
- Stellar Showcase Literary Journal Spring 2008 edition.
- Ascent Aspirations
- Spring 2008
- 1 poem published
in Parchment, 15th Issue, 2008.
- Halcyon Magazine Praise Writers Issue 2, August, 2013 1
- Leafpress online magazine
- Third Prize and 1 Honourable Mention Award in The Picture Perfect
Poetry Anthology Contest, 2016
- First Prize in the Ultra Short Poetry Contest, 2015 for the poem,
With No Mercy
- First Honourable Mention for my poem, Rumour Has It in
The Marjorie McIntosh Prize for Poetry by
Canadian Stories Magazine, 2015. James Deahl was the judge
- Honourable Mention in The Double Your Pleasure Poetry Contest,
2013 for a renga co-written with S.A. McCormick.
- On behalf of Liz Benneian and the Oakvillegreen Board, I would
like to congratulate you as being selected in our poetry contest
and invite you and a guest to the 3rd Annual Urban Forest Awards
and Mayor's Heritage Tree Awards Ceremony, hosted by Oakvillegreen
and the Town of Oakville. - March 23rd, 2010
- Recipient - Inaugaral R.A.V.E.
- - Award (2009) - Recognizing
Arts Vaughan Excellence in recognition of outstanding contribution
to the cultural landscape of the City of Vaughan. The award is for
2009 Art Educator / Mentor in the Literary Arts.
- Hon. Mention in the Open Heart 3 Poetry Contest, 2008
- Hon. Mention in the William Henry Drummond Poetry Contest, 2008
- Hon. Mention in Pandora's Collective Hibernating With Words Poetry
Contest, 2008
- Hon. Mention in Pandora's Collective Kisses & Popsicles
Poetry Contest, 2007
- Hon. Mention in Open Heart 1 Poetry Contest, 2006
- Runner-up in the Rhyming Category in The Winsome Words Poetry
Contest, 2006
- Second Prize in Balticon 39 Poetry Contest, 2005
- First Prize & Hon. Mention in the $2 Category in The Price
Is Right Poetry Contest, 2004
- Second Prize in the $10 Category in The Price Is Right Poetry
Contest, 2004
- Hon. Mention in Pandora's Collective Summer Dream Poetry Contest,
- Hon. Mention in The Poet & The PC Sonnet Contest, 2003
- I.B. Iskov is the recipient of the 2017 Absolutely Fabulous Woman
Award for Women Over 40 in the Arts & Culture category.
- Honourable Mention in the Mystical, Whimsical Poetry Chapbook
Competition, 2018
- 1st Prize in the booksbycher.com poetry contest for the poem Displaced.
- One poem in Lummox Poetry Journal, Number Seven, 2018

Praise for "One Place the Light Remains"
I.B. Iskov is a mistress of the quotidian. Her ability to tap images and distill insights from telling moments across time
and lives is both natural and practiced. In these heartfelt homages, "road poems", prayers, songs, musings and laments,
Iskov consistently raises the everyday with pluck, wit, tenderness and respect - staking a place for poetry as a constant,
come what may: "In a moment or in an hour /sky may blow / breeze its way / through shudders of time, / swoop and dip in the
landscape, repeat the poem": This is One Place the Light Remains. Indeed.
Elana Wolff, author of Swoon and Faithfully Seeking Franz
I.B. "Bunny" Iskov is the nurturing Muse of The Ontario Poetry Society (TOPS) and its presiding inventor. She has done service
to Poetry - and she serves Poets. But her charity is not her salient attribute; rather, it is her respect for the panoply of poets,
the assembly of poets, she has read and admired and even, yes, met. Thus, One Place the Light Remains is a series of homages
and elegies for several of the Canadian greats who are no longer with us, though the light of their words remains: Earle Birney,
Raymond Souster, Al Purdy, Milton Acorn, P.K. Page, Ellen Jaffe, Ted Plantos, "Mick Burrs" (whose nom-de-plume was meant to ward
off anti-Semitism). I.B.I. recalls and celebrates the poets who matter to her, who brought her to poetry. In her latter years,
her later years, she knows poignantly that, "Learning on small notes, / tempo and diction / are more fundamental / in the sheer
pressure of angles."
George Elliott Clarke
E J. Pratt Professor of Canadian Literature, University of Toronto
In the opening poem in this fine collection, Iskov mentions how the poems of fellow poet Mick Burrs have "... dropped/ like bright
red cherries … landed in my heart." And I cannot think of Iskov without asking the question "is there a poet other than Bunny
Iskov who has contributed so much to the heart of Canadian poetry?" As the founder of The Ontario Poetry Society, she has tirelessly
championed the work of almost every poet living in the province. And by Iskov's reference to the heart, I am brought to recall
Margaret Avison's wonderful phrase "the optic heart", a phrase that should give consolation to every poet who in service of deep
need reminds us that the intelligence of the heart may just be the most important anodyne in the healing of our individual selves
and in the healing of the rifts within communities. These poems in celebration of poetry, and in honour of the poets we cherish,
bring poetry back to the centre of culture where poetry belongs. Like a soft voice that quiets the crowd, we listen and are reminded
of the rewards of being attentive to someone who has something to say worth saying.
John B. Lee. Poet Laureate of Brantford, Norfolk County
and Canada Cuba Literary Alliance
I.B. (Bunny) Iskov
#710 65 Spring Garden Ave., Toronto, Ont. M2N 6H9
Email: Bunny