The Ontario Poetry Society
~ Poetry Workshop ~

About TOPS










Ted Plantos Dedication






A One Day Poetry Workshop
Sunday April 14, 2013 (note date change)
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The Garden Room,
65 Spring Garden Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario

Come and be inspired and learn some new things about poetry
from our workshop leaders, Allan Briesmaster and Ellen Jaffe.
Journal, Pen, Breakfast and Lunch are included.
Receive Free Raffle Tickets for an exciting draw
for prize packages of beautiful books and CDs.
Free parking in the condo and a five minute walk from the
Yonge and Sheppard subway station.

Participation Fee:
for members
$100 for non-members
(non-members will receive a 1/2 year membership for participating)
Limited Space Available for 24 poets
Payment must be received by January 31, 2013

9 a.m. - Check In.
Receive a journal and a pen and a continental breakfast of muffins, donuts,
cookies and juice and coffee. If you are coming and have any dietary restrictions,
please let me know what you are allowed to eat. You can also bring your own
food if you want to.

10a.m. to 12 Noon.
The first workshop leader gives tips on the craft and leads an exercise.
The participants are given a half an hour to write a poem based on the
exercise from 10:30 to 11 a.m. Then, for the next hour, until lunch time,
all are asked to read their poem aloud (for constructive feedback).

12 Noon - to 1 p.m. - Lunch Time.
Party sandwiches, cheese and crackers, potato chips, popcorn, pretzels, veggie trays
as well as water, juice and pop (both diet and regular) and fruit and ice cream for dessert.
Again, let me know if you need something different to eat, for health reasons, or you can
bring your own lunch in a bag.

1 p.m. - to 3 p.m.
The second workshop leader gives their advice from their knowledge and
expertise on the craft and gives the participants a different exercise and time
to write a poem based on the exercise for a half an hour and again,
the participants are invited to take turns to read their poem aloud and get constructive feedback.

3 p.m. We thank everyone for coming.