The Ontario Poetry Society
~ In Memory of Adele Kearns Thomas ~

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Ted Plantos Dedication






Remembering Adele

On October 13, 2010, at 11:15 LCP member Adele Kearns Thomas passed away after a courageous battle with cancer. Through it all she never lost her sense of humour. She was the author of three books of poetry, and was widely anthologized. She was also a member of The Ontario Poetry Society and Sarnia local writing group Writers in Transition. " She was also known as a nurse, painter, bridge player, musician, composer, wine lover and political observer." She leaves behind her husband Roy, 4 children, 4 grandchildren 4 sister and a brother. She was one of my closest friends and will be sorely missed. - Lynn Tait

Poetry for Adele

The Time it Takes
.........for Adele Kearns Thomas

While Adele is dying from cancer,
a field of eyes scan mistakes
made on the Internet. A sentence hits the light switch,

wipes out little traces
on the pillow, where she lays.
There are cold reminders

that mortality follows a twisted path
down to earth and far away. The fatal freeze of falling follows
like a demon in a hot rod.

He is part of no funeral. There is no stopping time.
It travels twenty four hours a day.
The hours Adele will leave behind will be found in her life sentences.

Her voice will escape into your thoughts
and subsist in forthcoming recitals. Her clock ticks down my throat
reminding me that time is running out

again. Future generations will scrutinize her handiwork,
marvel at all the glitter and stone
time and time again.

Bunny Iskov

Table for 2 at Adele's

Red or white wine weekends peppered with squirrelly antics,
neighbourhood rodents beg (or pray) for peanuts,
interrupt wine flow and yakkety-yak friendship,

we pour over literary critiques like talk-show hosts,
a backyard salon - guest appearances by
cats and siblings, husbands, sons and daughters,

conduct cheese-aged conversations cracker-crisp with political intrigue,
fancy ourselves lawn-chaired philosophers solving world-weary dilemmas,
backyard scholars holding life tenure in suburban academics

wise beyond the street signs, our dreams
broken only by dull drone of lawn mowers,
the un-rhythmic snip and splash of summer.

Lynn Tait

Adele Kearns Thomas

A woman of many friends
D elighted to know her
E yes sent loving signals
L oved animals and nature,
E specially her pet cat and squirrels

K nown as a painter, and political observer
E njoyed her four grandchildren
A dored her family
R est in a much better place
N urse was her job
S o pleasant to chat with

T here was lots of laughter around Christmas's party
H er work of poetry had strong beliefs and great passions
O utstanding when she listened to others
M usician, she loved to play piano and listened to Jazz
A dele battled cancer with passion and courage
S o hard to believe she is gone

Najah Shuqair

Adele's Songs

in carefully chosen words
these poetic gems
shine with brevity
and newness.

The fine art
of a determined poet
to shed light
in dark corners
to show faith
& innate kindness
within her scope
of being.

She is a giver
of love & sustenance
to all creatures
& human souls
that have been touched
by her gentle hands

Holding forth
to diverse melodies
within her caring capacity
her music resonating
on black & white keys
with ivory precision

She plays the song of life
for all it is worth
and we will always
treasure its presence
its splendid refrain.

Peggy Fletcher

Visiting Adele with James Deahl

The publisher
of her first book of poems
James stands beside her bed
in St. Joseph’s Hospice
as I babble on
trying to fill each silence
while Adele smiles up at us
frail in body
but robust in courage.

A Mayday child
born in thirty-three
she left her many friends
in red October.
We’re saddened at her loss
yet rich in memories.
Her eager smile
and her poetic legacy
will echo in our hearts
every now and then
like the piano notes
her supple fingers played.

Norma West Linder


The sun is shining
in my garden the birds are singing
some red leaves still cling to trees
but you are no longer among us.
My heart is full of sorrow
you were so strong and brave
fighting with all your might
the illness that invaded your body.
With all our prayers
and good wishes you have gone
I want to believe
you are in the best place
where all of us will join
you one day.

Now I think back
to the first time we met
at St. Joseph's Hospital
working together on the same ward.
We were young then
full of life and ambition
we have been friends
ever since.
Every time I taste lemon
I will remember
delicious lemon cake
you used to bake
sometimes especially for me.
In the meantime
you have given the world
the best f yourself
you will be greatly missed.

Carmen Ziolkowski

Poetry by Adele from her most recent book Stone Washings

Roses in Winter

Bedraggled bushes
once plush
become sleep - infected
by a weather blitz
taking beauty
to its knees

in shutdown,
soil props them
and steadies
their trembling limbs

kept standing
in the knuckled cold,
left to a pallid sun
that rarely shows its face,
It hides behind
a facade of distance,

Yet, they're primed
for renewal
to long sighted plays
in summer stock,
to blossoms of applause,
Seen as sun splashed
budding encores of colour
In crimson yellow roles.


suck the air
spreading it aside
through sky's silence,
fishhook claws
tucked into belly
like jet's landing gear
not ready to descend,
Body turf is scanned
for ground manoeuvres...
and lively trees
are agog with squirrels,
their fly-by leaps
bounce branches
startling the leaves.
Small fry
stir their nests
dispersing weak cheeps,
lost in clatter
of circling oscines,
sleek black bodies
ready to land.

For Wang Dan and Wei Jingsheng

Unfazed by knotted fabric
of shut-down rule,
they clung
to one filament
that carried unfettered weight,
Their wish to breed freedom

and like few embers
simmering undercover
in spent ashes
they strove to flare
ahead of sweep-up,
before the chill set in...

stripped of their lines,
they played cameo roles
in Red sagas,
treading scant air
so that their offspring,
the eyes and ears
could speak

And they linked
their sheen of survival
through those breakaway voices.

** Chinese dissidents

Return Visit

At zero seconds
rumble together

Space seeker
high noses the air
breathing it thin,
Lazy climb seems slow
by eye squinting rules
as it crackles
and breaks from family tree.
from earth's balding head,
and tugging arms,
carves its own niche
out-soaring sound and light.
Traverses a blackboard
of the brightest stars
and its failing tumblers
in their cloudless void.

Staged orbiter
old playgrounds,
hide and seek haunts.
Hatch opens
new plots..

*for Fred Kearns
inducted into Canadian Aviation
Hall of Fame in May 2008